Guidelines Developed in FOODBALL

As an effort to standardize terminology and operations, the FoodBAll project will publish a series of papers with recommendations and guidelines. These are summarized here:

Although hundreds of papers in nutrition are issued every year, there is no current ontology for the area and no generally accepted classification terminology for biomarkers in nutrition and health. As a part of FoodBAll, we are preparing a review to set some parameters and cover these gaps. Ontology table and systematic review will be made available as soon as they are published (to be updated in the second semester of 2017)
Classification of Dietary Biomarkers

Although new putative biomarkers are continuously emerging, the existing concepts for classification of biomarkers in the dietary and health areas may be ambiguous leading to uncertainty about their application. In order to better understand the potential of biomarkers and to communicate their application, it is imperative to have a theoretical framework for biomarker classification. These guidelines will be made available as soon as they are published (to be updated in the second semester of 2017)
Dietary Biomarkers validation Scheme

These guidelines will be made available as soon as they are published (to be updated in the second semester of 2017)
Guidelines for Reviewing Food Intake Biomarkers (FIB)

There is a need for systematic review guidelines in order to cover the literature in an extensive manner. These guidelines should build upon guidelines in related areas of science while targeting the special needs of biomarker methodology. As a part of FoodBAll, we are preparing a review with guidelines for extensive literature review on FIB. These guidelines will be made available as soon as they are published (to be updated in the second semester of 2017)